0-90% Brix Refractometer Syrup, Jam, Sauces, Honey - SINGLE SCALE! RHB0-90ATC

Item Description: NI Supply RHB0-90ATC Portable 0-90% Brix Refractometer, WITH Automatic Temperature Compensation
0-90% BRIX
GREAT for testing UNKNOWN Samples and for Maple Syrup Making!
This is a HIGH Quality item, please don't let the low price fool you! This is a very well built unit made of durable Aluminum and has a 3 year Warranty!
Product Specs:
* SINGLE SCALE, 0-90% Brix Scale
* Accurate to +/- 0.50% Brix
* Scale Divisions: 0.50% Brix
* Sturdy design, made of durable machined Aluminum, not "carbon" plastic. This is a solid, well built unit!
Included are: a pipette for dropping test fluids onto the prism (never dip the refractometer into the test fluid!), a mini screwdriver for scale calibration, and a User's Guide.
Comes with a THREE YEAR Warranty against manufacturer's defects!
RHB0-90ATC (0-90% Brix scale) Hand Held Refractometer in a gray, foam-lined hard case. This unit is great for the testing of Fruits, Vegetables and Grasses, Wine or Beer makers and for the maintenance of CNC Coolants (Soluble Oils, Semi-Synthetics, Neo-Synthetics and Synthetics) and Water Soluble Drawing & Stamping Compounds. This unit is also handy for testing the sugar content of Maple and other types of Syrups, Jellies, Marmalades, Jams, Chutneys, Ketchup, Fruit Juice Concentrates, Barbeque Sauces, etc...
Great for testing Maple Sap and for boiling it down for Maple Syrup production!
This is a great unit for testing unknown samples!
Calibrate with regular tap/distilled/Reverse Osmosis Water! Yeah, it's that easy! Water = 0% Brix!
National Industrial Supply
30777 Rancho California #891420
Temecula, CA 92589, USA
Sales: 310.748.6858 - Fax: 310.733.5480 - E-mail: nisupply@gmail.com - Website: www.nisupply.com