Atago Carrying Case for PAL Series Refractometer
Item Description: PAL Digital Refractometer Carrying Case
Rather than having your PAL swinging haphazardly around your neck on a lanyard or wedged in your pocket, this case will protect the unit from being dropped or banged or getting lost! This is a great item to promote for either a current or a first-time PAL buyer.
Product Description & Features:
1. Protect your Atago PAL Refractometer from unexpected weather and environmental elements such as dust, dirt and grime.
2. Durable Nylon material.
3. Convenient belt clip and strong hook and loop closure (Velcro).
4. Easy to access and comfortable to wear.
5. Ideal for indoor and outdoor use.
Material: Nylon
Orientation: Vertical
Dimensions: 4.4" x 2.2" x 1"
Color: Black